過了半年才寫這則遊記,也是看了朋友的旅遊照片才回想這趟旅程的絶美海灘與大自然未受污染淨土的美好!!! 勢必找時間把它完整的紀錄下來~~~
(Almost an half year , I definitely should record the precious memories of beauty beach in Philiphine after seeing my friend's trip to those places again )
( First of all , we would like to thank for arrangement of all stuff by the help of Tony couple , and have chance to discover the economic development during this trip.. Tom & I took the plance to arrive Manila and then gathering to catch another flight to Palawan island )
到了市區, 我們先填飽肚子再上路, 識途老馬的TONY夫婦請我們去一家他們認為還不錯的海鮮餐廳~~~
( By the car in downtown , Tony took us to visit their favorite seafood restaurent)
(before choosing the seafoods, all of us took a shot )
只能說在東南亞吃海鮮真是要命的划算,價格只有台灣的1/3卻是吃的相當過癮!!!首先來一杯芒果奶昔, 相當爽口與清涼.在東南亞炎熱國家,這些飲料都變成必需品..
(It was quite a joy to tast seafoods in Southeast Asia since price only 1/3 compared to Taiwan , and Mango shake is so perfect to melt the hot weather)
涼拌芒果沙拉, 比較青澀的芒果所以酸了一點.但也滿消暑的.
(Mango Salad, a little more sour but still refreshing )
奶油蒜頭飯, 顧名思義,即是用奶油及蒜頭炒出來的飯,算是菲律賓的國民美食,非常搭配.
(Butter Garlic rice , unforgettable flavor and it's traditional food in Philiphine)
(Butter Crab on the table , very fresh and cheap price )
位於民都格島與北婆羅洲之的巴拉望島被譽為是菲律賓最後一片淨土,未開的發的處女地,野生動植物的樂園。公主港是巴拉望州政府所在地 、是該州的主要對外通道、及與其他島嶼的聯絡點。 |
巴拉望群島靠近沙巴洲的世界潛水地-西巴淡島嶼!擁有最美的海域-讓妳感受到海天一色,享受海底燦爛的景觀,暢遊其水上活動,讚頌其自然生態之旅!! |
巴拉望以地下洞窟及溪流而著名,遊客遊覽長 8公里的地下河流 ─ 聖保祿地下國家公園,可以看到兩邊無數形狀奇特的鐘乳洞窟,嘆為觀止。巴拉望北部的卡拉依特島是野生動物的天堂,充滿原始森林的風貌,這個島於一九七六年被列入野生動物保護區內,來自非洲的動物及菲律賓本土的野生動物在這裡自由的生長。
(The flight only took 1 hour to arrvie Palawan)
快到了巴拉望本島科隆,從飛機上往下照的島景, 真美...
(almost arrive at Coron and just took photo from airplane )
終於到了科隆機場, 幫大家照一張留念
(Finally arrive in Coron and took photo to my friends )
TONY 說我們很幸運,在這片美麗島嶼風光尚未充分開發之際前來觀光, 即可以欣賞到豐富的大自然景觀.水域及海底生物..就因為如此,島上居民的生活設施相當簡陋,貧窮的感覺也相當濃郁,相較台灣的生活環境富裕許多.
(Tony said we're luck to visit this place before fully establishment ,so that we could sightseeing a bunch of natural resources , including marine creatures in the waterfield ..because of this , it likes shanty town in the island but people here were very kind .)
( we had rubble road all the way back to the hotel since there is no asphalt road in the island ,most of vehicles just like the following vedio)
Angeliie 替大家訂了一間才開幕一個禮拜的飯店,而且我們又很幸運地被飯店升等房間.與室外的環境相比,簡直有很大的反差.回想起十幾年前到廣洲佛山出差,房間內是五星級的設施,而門外卻是非常荒涼的一景.....
(Angellie booked a fancy hotel that opened only for one week and we also luckly to be upgraded room for two nights . it also recall a similar scene that I have been to Foshan Guangzhou 10 years ago , the room is great but outside is still desolate)
(there is awesome view behind hotel and the other side is like fisherman's house , so beautiful while owl-light )
( After 1 night rest , we anticipated the most popular tour called " jump island " . The private fishing boat carried tourist to different islands for swimming ,snorkeling , Kayaking and relaxing all day long )
在經過一兩處導遊帶著我們下水浮潛後, (這個部份因為全部下水且未帶下水的攝影設備,很可惜未能捕捉畫面給大家,不過海底下面的珊瑚群及各式色彩鮮艷的熱帶魚,卻是令人大飽眼福,永生難忘呀!!! ) 我們下船開始爬山到一個秘境去游泳....
(After several spots to snorkeling , we went ashore to mountain climbing and swimming in a secret place )
這裏彷彿是仙境, 水域如此清澈, 對映青蔥山嵐,美不勝收 !!!
( go ashore and climbing a little bit , we were recommended to catch the maginificent landscape through this angle )
這時候爬山的路徑變得相當窄小, 來自歐美的觀光客及穿著全套的潛水設備的年輕人紛紛出現了...過一會兒, 即到了我們將要游泳的地方,一個由群山環繞的的池子.導遊說這裏的水域含塩量相當低,因此是屬於淡水所以很適合游泳的秘地....
( At this moment , load became quite narrow and tourists from worldwide were gathering to explore the pond surrounding by mountains ..it's quite suitable to swimming here since the water is less-salty )
未完,待續 (to be continued )