
Fact & Comment –Steve Forbes

New Un Scheme will harm Globe’s poor –新歐盟方案將會傷害全球貧困者


The UN’s annual world Economic & Social Survey is floating a scheme to levy a 1% wealth tax on everyone whose net worth exceeds $1 billion . Such an “intriguing” idea would raise revenues to help the world’s poor.Baloney.Such an exaction would damage the world’s economy , which would mean less upward-mobility opportunity for those who have the least .




The UN and organizations of its ilk still have a cartoonish conception of what health actually is . Most wealth these days doesn’t consist of piles of cash and gold.Global billionaires are not like scrooge Mcduck, sitting in their money bins and counting coins.The bulk of this wealth can be rather ephemeral , simply an evaluation of assets, whose worth changes constantly .




Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook shares are currently worth about $20 million ,which means he’d be liable for $200 million to the UN. But that evaluation assumes Zuckerberg and capable executives will continue to run the company .




What do you think the shares would be worth if the postal service took over the company ?And if Facebook fails to generate expected future revenues and profits? It’s market value will plummet . Look at Yahoo’s market value today compared with what it was three days ago –Or Groupon’s or Zynaga’s a few months back .


而你認為如果郵政服務接管公司之後它的股價仍可以支撐?而如果臉書在預期獲利未達成的話,它的市值將會暴跌,我們看到雅虎現今市值與三年前相比,或是Groupon’s Zynaga幾個月之前相較。


Glass warriors assume wealth is just meant for consumption . But the reality is that virtually all of it is invested and reinvested . Take it away from those who create and know how to manage it and it goes the way of water in the desert .




The report says these folks are worth $4.6 trillion ( a number pilfered from Forbe’s annual world’s Billionaires issue ) and the 1 % tax would ostensibly raise $46 billion . What would go to UN and UN-like –bureaucracies , which would create bigger bureaucracies , more waste and more corruption.




The countries that have moved forward economically the fastest are those least dependent on traditional foreign aid.South Korea, Taiwan , New Zealand ,Israel , Estonia and others have surged ahead through free-market reforms , not by taking UN-like handouts. UN-esque thinking is a formidable barrier to growth , as this report makes clear once again .




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